legalese - definição. O que é legalese. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é legalese - definição

Legalese; Legalese language; Legal Writing; Legal writer; Legal drafting
  • Books on legal writing at a [[law library]]

Dense, pedantic verbiage in a language description, product specification, or interface standard; text that seems designed to obfuscate and requires a language lawyer to parse it. Though hackers are not afraid of high information density and complexity in language (indeed, they rather enjoy both), they share a deep and abiding loathing for legalese; they associate it with deception, suits, and situations in which hackers generally get the short end of the stick.
¦ noun informal the formal and technical language of legal documents.
n. slang for the sometimes arcane, convoluted and specialized jargon of lawyers and legal scholars.


Legal writing

Legal writing involves the analysis of fact patterns and presentation of arguments in documents such as legal memoranda and briefs. One form of legal writing involves drafting a balanced analysis of a legal problem or issue. Another form of legal writing is persuasive, and advocates in favor of a legal position. Another form legal writing involves drafting legal instruments, such as contracts and wills.

Exemplos de pronúncia para legalese
1. Well, we assist them legally, but legalese,
Venezuelan Human Rights _ Alfredo Romero + More _ Talks at Google
2. legalese, right, because we do have law stuff,
Dr. Andrew Jolivétte _ Loving and Pride _ Talks at Google
3. Does highly technical language, such as legalese or
Found in Translation _ Nataly Kelly _ Talks at Google
4. Why do we have to decipher so much legalese,
The Sense of Style _ Steven Pinker _ Talks at Google
5. to pass a very legalese exam on the legality
Mental Health Myths and Facts _ Dani Higgins _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para legalese
1. The roots of the problem go back in time, tangled in layers of legalese.
2. But he revelled in the role of Sheridan QC, while dispensing with legalese and court procedure.
3. Braley is a lawyer and knows that lawyers generally get blamed for the legalese in federal paperwork.
4. Zapatero said the reform of Spanish legal code simply adds one dry paragraph of legalese but means much more.
5. Boehner and Hoyer would not immediately release details, saying the verbal agreement had yet to be written in congressional legalese.